How to Pay

Payment is the all-important step that finalizes each student's enrollment at Harford Community College.

If you register for an upcoming term more than one week before the due date for that term, an e-bill notification will be emailed to your OwlMail address explaining how to view and/or print your e-bill. It is your responsibility to monitor your HCC OwlMail. If you register less than one week before the payment due date for that term, or if you register after the payment due date, you will not receive an e-bill. In this event, you can view your account and amount due through OwlNet. You must pay your bill in full by the payment deadline, otherwise, your classes will be dropped for non-payment. If this happens you may re-register but there is no guarantee that the times, days, and faculty members you originally chose will still be available. It is important to pay as soon as possible after registering. 


Review your bill in OwlNet

Log into OwlNet > All About Me > My Bill-Payment Plan > My Bill > Click Here to View Your Bill. This will direct you to Harford's online account system. The amount to pay is the 'Total Amount Due' which includes includes tuition, consolidated fee, and course fees if applicable.

Harford Community College is committed to helping students prepare for the cost of their education by providing a variety of payment methods.

Pay by Cash, Check, or Credit Card

Payments can be made in person at the Cashier's Office, located in the Student Center using Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Mail-in payments can be made by check (no cash, please) and you must include the student's name and ID# . Credit card and Echeck payments can be made online through OwlNet (All About Me tab, in the My Account channel) or via telephone (credit card only) by calling the Cashier's Office at 443-412-2208.

A parent or guardian may also use these methods to pay a student's bill. You must include the student's H-ID number, the amount you wish to apply to the bill, and the appropriate payment information (i.e. credit card number for credit card payment).